I have six weeks left of Microbiology, Physiology and Statistics. This knowledge makes me excited that soon the classes will be over and anxious because I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to finish all the work that needs to be done.
I have a big Microbiology exam this Tuesday and it doesn't seem like my paying attention, note taking, or reading has prepared me for what's going to be on the test. The study guide, 7 full pages in length, is daunting and filled with questions like: Define-chemotaxis, diapedesis, pseudopodia... What are Okazaki framents? In which direction are they made and how are they joined together... Draw the structure of sugar deoxyribose and note which groups are attached to the 5' carbon and 3'carbon in DNA... Describe the process of transduction including the lysogenic and lytic cycles of bacteriophage replication... and the last one I'll throw at you- Discuss the following classes of antibodies IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgE, with respect to their location, functions and structure. Sigh. I feel like screaming a little in hopes it would relieve some of the stress this study guide is causing me, but I need to conserve all the energy I have. In microbiology I also have a research paper to write on the Hepatitis B Vaccination and an unknown lab report to do and write up. In Physiology I have 2 problem sets, a group project, and quizzes every Monday. In Statistics I have homework, a project write up, and an exam. All of this in the next 5 weeks... and then final exams. Anyone feel like giving me a massage in the end of May?
I register for summer classes tomorrow at 9 am.
I work at the Farmer's Market now, every other Saturday morning from 6h30-2h00, selling strawberries, sugar snap peas, and artichokes from Swanton berry farms. I have a thorn from selling artichoke stuck in my finger and it's throbbing. Hurts to type but hasn't stopped me from typing.
Now back to reading and memorizing. Wish me Luck!
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4 years ago
And now it's less than 6 weeks!:)
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